Redémarrer l'année du bon pied et adapter de bonnes résolutions pour éliminer les excès des fêtes de fin d'année sur la mythique Promenade des Anglais classée au Patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco et qui fête cette année ses 200 ans !
The Final of the 100K category, the "little sister" of the UTMB takes you through a unique journey of ultra-endurance from Courmayeur to Chamonix.
Un départ nocturne, 5 heures, en musique et fumigènes du centre ville, ambiance, ambiance...
Un événement unique dans une ambiance nature et conviviale à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte !!!
Course en bord de mer dans le cap d’Antibes.
Taking runners from the serenity of the high mountains to the shores of the legendary French Riviera, the newly created event, Nice Côte d’Azur by UTMB® will host its second edition in 2023.
Live the legend of the Tour de France, riding on the same routes and under the same conditions as the professionals: this is the promise that L’Étape du Tour has kept since 1993.
First local race after moving down to Antibes.
L'aventure au cœur de la Réserve Naturelle des Gorges de l'Ardèche.
First local granfondo after moving to Côte d'Azur.
Last race in Boulogne Billancourt before moving to the French Riviera.
"La Isla Bonita", a chain of volcanoes, rocky rocks, lava, unevenness, orography, landscapes and climatic changes. A great challenge for runners looking for extreme experiences. A unique experience that you will enjoy with the warmth of its people, the best in the world!
The UTMB is more than a race. It is a feeling that grows with you from the first moment the e-mail pings through, to inform you that you were lucky in the ballot. It is a kaleidoscope of memories, of moments of elation, and also of deep despair.
A day cycling trip with friends out to Bourgogne for some fantastic scenery and wine-tasting.
La Valence Vercors was supposed to happen on 22/05, but was sadly cancelled.
Le plus grand 10 km de France, au cœur de Paris.
Oh the joys of testing HTML emails with Microsoft Outlook for Windows and other dumb clients!
Do you have a huge project and running all PHPUnit tests takes ages? Here is the way to make your testing faster.
It’s just going in circles on grass with a dismount here and there.
My first cyclocross race ever.
Live the legend of the Tour de France, riding on the same routes and under the same conditions as the professionals: this is the promise that L’Étape du Tour has kept since 1993.
It served well for a year and a half. Then it started: the overheating, the burning smell, ERG mode disabled, loss of resistance.
What was supposed to be a surfing holiday, turned into fest of eating and drinking, and lots of fun with Rocco.
Enough of that Covid craziness - the time has finally come to go on proper holidays again.
Why climb a mountain just once when you can do it three times?
8 days and 883 km cycling along the Atlantic coast from the Spanish border up to end of La Loire / Saint-Nazaire.
5 days and 606 km cycling along La Loire from the ocean up to the Orléans.
6th trail run in an attempt to kick-off my training for Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc took me to a hospital instead.
What was planned to be a cycling holiday, ended up with a lot of surfing instead.
From the hustle and bustle of Paris to the wildlife haven of the Rambouillet Forest, this overnight route follows quiet roads and gravel paths from the southwestern edge of the French capital.
A family-free week full of cycling and yoga, with a pinch of swimming and possibly some easy running.
New silly challenge idea for 2021.
The concept of Everesting is fiendishly simple: pick any hill, anywhere in the world and complete repeats of it in a single activity until you climb 8,848m – the equivalent height of Mt Everest.
Le parcours sera gardé secret jusqu’au départ !
Run like a king.
Run like a king.
Course à pied entièrement en forêt, sur des sentiers et chemins de GR.
Lightning-fast, sturdily built and feels at home on gravel, tarmac and easy terrain.